Lost & Found Pets

Lost & Found Pets

by cathleen timmons

If you have lost a pet

1. Contact the Evergreen Animal Protective League to report your lost pet.  303-674-6442; eaplevergreen@eapl.com.  We will call you only if we have a possible match or need more information. Please let us know if you find your pet.

2. Put up posters at all major intersections in the area where the pet was lost. Do NOT make the sign too “busy!” Be brief and specific, and remember that a motorist needs to be able to absorb the information.

3. Go in person to all shelters and leave a written description of the animal and your phone numbers. Continue to visit the shelter every two days until the pet is found. Sometimes people will find a pet, keep it for a week or even a month, and then take it to a shelter. To avoid your pet being euthanized, continue to call and visit in person. Mistaken identity is often a cause of a pet being euthanized in a shelter when the owner is looking vigorously for it.
The shelters in our area include:
Foothills Animal Shelter – (303) 278-7575
Clear Creek/Gilpin Co. Animal Shelter – (303) 679-2477
Park County Animal Shelter (303) 838-7509 ext.121
Don’t stop at just contacting the nearest shelter. Often someone will see an animal, pick it up, and take it to a shelter in their area. So, phone all of the shelters.

4. Knock on all doors in the area and spread the word! Hand each person a flyer with the description of the missing pet, it’s name, your name, phone number and address. Be sure to talk with the kids in the neighborhood. They always seem to know which dog or cat belongs where. If school is in session, go to the bus stop and ask the kids!

5. Place a lost ad in the papers. You may want to offer a reward. If this is an animal that the general public would consider to be very valuable and desirable (e.g., purebred yorkie, shih tszu, etc.) you may want to say that the animal has a medical problem!
Canyon Courier – (303) 674-5534
High Timber Times – (303) 838-4884
Denver Post – (303) 825-2525
Rocky Mountain News – (303) 892-2020.

6. Call your veterinarian.

7. If your pet is wearing tags that no longer contain the correct information, you need to call the former number and/or former veterinarian and provide them with the current information about how you can be reached in case someone tries to trace the tag. Then, update the tags when you find your pet.

8. Call animal control in case the pet was struck by a vehicle.
Jefferson County Animal Control – (303) 271-5070
Clear Creek/Gilpin Co. Animal Shelter – (303) 679-2477
Park County Animal control – (838) 7509 ext 121

9. Call Intermountain Humane at (303) 838-2668.
With the increasing number of wildlife sightings and known fatalities for cats and dogs due to cougar, coyotes, etc., you should take extra measures to protect your pet. Cats should be kept indoors, especially after dark, and no animals should be left outside unattended for long periods. It is believed that dogs tied with a chain are particularly susceptible to being killed by wildlife. No pet should be left outdoors overnight.

10. You can also post a lost/found pet on the local social networking sites:
Facebook – Evergreen Colorado Neighbors & Friends (you have to request to join the group before you can post)

If you have found a pet

1. Contact the Evergreen Animal Protective League to report the animal you found–303-674-6442; eaplevergreen@eapl.com.

2. Put up posters at all major intersections in the area the pet was found. Do NOT make the sign too “busy!” Be brief and specific, and remember that a motorist needs to be able to absorb the information.

3. Knock on all doors in the area and spread the word! Hand each person a flyer with the description of the found pet, it’s name (if you know it from a tag), your name, phone number and address. Be sure to talk with the kids in the neighborhood. They always seem to know which dog or cat belongs where. If school is in session, go to the bus stop and ask the kids!

4. Place a found ad in the papers.
Canyon Courier – (303) 674-5534
High Timber Times – (303) 838-4884
Denver Post – (303) 825-2525
Rocky Mountain News – (303) 892-2020

Local Lost/Found Pet Resources

This is the link to the new local Evergreen area lost & found pets page: https://www.facebook.com/evergreenconifermorrisonpinebaileylostfoundpets

This is the link to the Colorado lost & found pets page: https://www.facebook.com/coloradolostfoundpets?ref=bookmarks

If you are reporting pets found or missing in the Evergreen area, you can post on the page facebook page or email Julia at juliacorrin@hotmail.com or text her at 5714094338. She can then get the word out across Evergreen and the local area almost immediately.
