EAPL is aware of a PayPal scam using EAPL’s (Evergreen Animal Protective League)
For donations to EAPL through PayPal – Please use links below
The Evergreen Animal Protective League is a non-profit organization
We are staffed entirely by caring volunteers. We have no paid employees, with the exception of our 3 employees at the Thrift Shop, and are not supported by taxes. All funding comes from donations from the public, from adoption fees, from grants, and from fund raising activities.
Donations make it possible for us to meet our mission statement: to continue provide aid to lost, abandoned and suffering animals through rescue, shelter, and education. None of this work would be possible without financial support from people who care.
We are very grateful for the support we receive and acknowledge our donors, but NEVER give out our donors’ information. A receipt is sent if requested and is automatic for amounts over $250. Our 501 (3)c tax exempt number is 74-2204391. EAPL will add you to our email list if you request, but our email list is also private.
If you wish to make a donation to EAPL, it can be done in different ways
Use your credit card to make a donation
Click on the “Donate Now” button and it will take you to Colorado Gives.org, a year round online giving site that makes it possible for us to accept credit cards with one of the lowest processing fees in the nation. Colorado Gives is the online giving website for the Community First Foundation, a charitable organization supporting communities and the nonprofits that support those communities. Colorado Gives.org is also the site for the state’s largest “Giving Day”: Colorado Gives Day–on December 7, 2022 this year. Donations made through Colorado Gives.org are processed through the Community First Foundation which then grants the funds you give to the nonprofit organization that you designate. The tax receipt for your donation will be given by Community First Foundation immediately and is fully tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Send a check by mail to:
Evergreen Animal Protective League
PO Box 2517
Evergreen, CO 80437

to make a donation
Click on the “Donate” button below, and it will take you to EAPL linked PayPal website where you can donate funds from your PayPal account into the EAPL’s.
Support EAPL by Shopping with King Soopers
Can you imagine?? You can donate money to EAPL every time you shop for groceries–AND not spend a penny of your own money! EAPL has joined King Soopers new Community Rewards Program. King Soopers and City Markets are donating more than $10 million to area nonprofit organizations. King Soopers and Kroger companies are committed to helping our communities grow and prosper.
This is a fairly new program that King Soopers and City Market started in April, 2019. King Soopers and City Markets will pay up to $125,000 quarterly to participating organizations. A group’s earnings will be based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating organizations. The limit keeps any single organization from getting all the Rewards money for a quarter. EAPL will not be able to track who has given because of privacy laws, but the more people who participate, the more money EAPL and other charities receive each quarter.
For more information, go to www.kingsoopers.com/Community Rewards to sign up.
And please remember to thank all the King Soopers people for supporting their communities!!
Support EAPL with Donations to the EAPL Thrift Store
EAPL operates a retail Thrift Store located on Meadow Drive (across from Da Kind Soups). All of the profits from the EAPL Thrift Store support the rescue operations of EAPL. Any items you donate are gratefully accepted and you will receive a tax receipt from the EAPL Thrift Store that you can fill out for your donations. Please visit the EAPL Thrift Store with your unwanted items and maybe even find a bargain or two while you are there! Visit the EAPL Thrift Store website for more details! The store is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Donation hours are Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 pm and from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday.
Memorial Donations
We accept and acknowledge memorial donations for pets and humans. We also send out birthday and holiday greetings when donations are received on another’s behalf.
So that we may personalize our acknowledgement, please include the pet or person’s name and any information that might help us, and be sure to include a name and mailing address for the person we should notify.

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