
by cathleen timmons

We can help you find
your new friend!

View our pets ready for adoption.
Find your perfect match today!


Looking for a fun retail-setting team to volunteer with? We need help in our thrift shop with our merchandise, fun creative staging and of course we need amazing friendly cashiers to help us sell all of the goodies! Click the picture to learn of our volunteer opportunities.

We need volunteers today!

Visit the EAPL Cat
Adoption Center

Located in Chow Down
Pet Supply in Bergen Park

View Available Cats

Looking for a volunteer opportunity where you never have to leave the comfort of your home to do?
Check out answering our inbound phone line from the comfort of your home!
We just switch our phone line to ring at your home (it does not interfere with your incoming/outgoing phone calls at all.)
You receive about 10/15 calls per shift.
We provide a training manual and an EAPL volunteer assistance is just a phone call away.
We have shifts available 7–days a week 8am-1:30 or 1:30-7pm.
YOU pick your shifts… whatever works for you!

We need volunteers today!

Become A
Foster Home

Be the First to Start the Healing


How about we
hang out together?

We are an all-breed dog and cat rescue.


Click on banner below for more information about our upcoming event!


The Adoption Process begins when you complete an online application, naming either one or a few of our Available Animals or providing a description of the type of animal you hope to adopt.

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One of the most important ways to volunteer for EAPL is to Foster an Animal, but there are many other volunteer roles with EAPL. Please look over our many other needs and give us a call or contact us today!

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Our rescue operations are staffed entirely by caring volunteers and are not supported by taxes. Except for 3 Thrift Shop employees, no one receives compensation–we rely on our wonderful supporters to allow us to keep saying YES to all the animals.

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View our featured pets and all our animals ready for adoption!

View all of our adoptable animals >>

Featured Pets


Pepe, originally adopted in March, was not the perfect fit with the adopter's other cat.  She was quite shy, while Pepe just wanted to play, which was normal for him [...]


Meet Bobb. Bobb is a 10 year old tuxedo male who is with us because two of his owners passed. He is SUPER friendly with people and a great cat! [...]


Stix is about 4 years old (est. birthday is 1/18/2020) and is a total catch. He is smart, food motivated and has been through basic training. He knows how to […]


Tommy is a smart little guy who is sweet, loving and cuddly.  He loves to play, walk and run, all of the puppy things! He is great with other dogs […]


Simba was surrendered after his human dad died.  He was scared and skittish when he came to us but now foster says “he’s the sweetest boy ever; whoever gets him is a […]


Recently deceased owner left Bowie in our care.  He’s a wonderful boy, a bit shy at first meeting.  Loves pets, very sweet.  Resided previously with both cats and dogs.  He’s […]

Thank you to our partners whose support makes our work possible:
